
When 3D Technology Meets Art

Style3D and the Central Academy of Fine Arts, joining hands, create contemporary garments representing the triple fusion of technology, art, and fashion.

On November 6, the Chengdu Biennale “Super Fusion,” hosted by the Central Academy of Fine Arts, officially kicked off. “Fusion” is the keyword of our age, the fast-paced digital age. The digital generation has brought multiple fields closer, creating new opportunities for art dissemination. Among them, the fusion between technology and art is the hottest topic nowadays.

The “Technological Co-Respondence” part, one of the eight thematic exhibitions, displays the garments co-designed by Style3D and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Behind the birth of the garments is the combination of abstract artistic design concepts and advanced 3D modeling technology from Style3D. As a result, repeated physical sampling for modification is no longer necessary; visualizing all aspects of a garment with 3D before producing it becomes possible. The timeline from R&D to garment production is significantly shortened. Finally, the symbolic garments are presented quickly with every detail.

This is the fusion of art and technology in the typical clothing field, manifesting the contemporary spirit.

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