
Style3D & NVIDIA Omniverse Are Creating a 3D World Together

Style3D already allows users to export Universal Scene Description(USD) files and send data to the Nvidia Omniverse Nucleus server. Connecting to the Omniverse server via USD makes life easier for everyone in the development process.

What Is Style3D?

Style3D is the world’s first digital platform for creating and collaborating with virtual fashion samples. Style3D provides a digital platform that covers all aspects of 3D: from material capture and 3D design, to an online showcase, through to production that leverages intelligent pricing and commodity display.

What Is NVIDIA Omniverse & Omniverse Nucleus?

NVIDIA Omniverse is an extensible platform for virtual collaboration and physically accurate, real-time simulation. Creators, designers, researchers, and engineers can connect tools, assets, and projects to collaborate in a shared virtual space. Developers and software providers can also build and sell Omniverse extensions, applications, connectors, and microservices on the Omniverse platform, to extend its functionality.

Omniverse Nucleus is Omniverse’s database and collaboration engine. With Omniverse Nucleus, teams can connect multiple users in real time, while simultaneously using multiple applications. This allows users to choose the application they are most comfortable and fast with, which really opens doors for rapid iteration.

To do so, Omniverse Nucleus provides a set of underlying services that allow various client applications, renderers, and microservices to share and modify representations of virtual worlds, together.

Style3Ds Integration with NVIDIA Omniverse.

Through USD’s open and extensible framework and ecosystem, Style3D can unify digital asset formats in Omniverse. This allows various fashion industry workflows to seamlessly connect. Combined with Omniverse applications (Create, View, XR, Library, etc.), Style3D can help designers, clothing brands, and clothing manufacturers speed up scene composition so that they can easily create and review XR experience with rich assets.

Learn more about Style3D( apply for a trial of the Omniverse Connector function.

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